Leave a Legacy

Have you considered remembering Troubadour Stageworks in your will? Firstly, thank you.

Your gift could introduce generations of new audiences to theatre across the country, develop the careers of performers and industry professionals, enable children and rural communities to participate in this art we love so much, and so much more!

How it Works

The Celestials are the group who have pledged a legacy to Troubadour Stageworks’ future. It's members are personally in contact with the backstage staff and have insight in how legacy giving will contribute to future work. You will be recognised on our website and in our programmes for 20 years (should you wish it).

How to Leave a Legacy

There are several types of legacies that you may wish to consider. Gifts can be a specified sum of money, a proportion of your residuary estate or an item or asset. Your solicitor can advise you on the different ways in which your assets can be distributed and ensure your intentions are expressed in the correct legal terms. 

Amending an existing Will is straightforward: a codicil is added to reflect the change in your wishes. Your solicitor can advise you on the correct way in which to do this, to ensure that the amendment is legally valid. You can download a codicil here. Below are some example words to include in your Will, but we recommend discussing the exact phrasing with a qualified professional:

I give the sum of (amount in figures or words) to Troubadour Stageworks, Old Wardour House, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 6RP (Registered Charity No. 1193809) for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other authorised officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.

Please let us know if have pledged a legacy!

We cannot wait to meet our new Celestial.
If you’d like to find out more we are always here for a confidential chat.

Did you know? 

Charitable Bequests can reduce the tax liability on your estate. Find out more here. 


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Make a donation - Help us Mistress Quickly!

There are no wealthy backers here.

Make a donation to Troubadour Stageworks to bring new performances to unique venues for everyone.

Your money will go towards our core costs, such as keeping our website running and paying our team and our actors; towards keeping our costs for children's tickets and school workshops low; towards improving our performances and letting us reach out to historic houses and churches to bring them new audiences.

We welcome recurring donations, or, you can become a member - see all our options here: Join the Troupe.

Thank you for your donation.

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