Fix the Folio! Shakespeare in The City of London - Troubadour Stageworks

Fix the Folio | 2023 | 2024

Next performing at Thorington Theatre Suffolk on 7 June 2024. Book now

It is 8 November, 1623, and Isaac Jaggard is racing from Stationers Hall to Edward Blount’s publishing house carrying a new manuscript, complete, copyright approved, and ready to be bound. But he trips, and all the pages of Shakespeare’s First Folio scatter to the winds. Can he, with a few helping hands, reorder 36 plays in 45 minutes?


 Fun, fast and accessible to all, join us in this whirlwind through all of Shakespeare’s plays. With six original songs and containing at least one line from every play in The First Folio, this show is enjoyable no matter your prior Shakespeare knowledge. It is an easter egg hunt for the academic aficionado and a great first introduction for younger family members.


Commissioned to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's First Folio, 'Fix the Folio' had to turn away audience members in its initial run in the City of London in July August and September 2023, and will be touring the Scilly Isles in April.

As Lady Lucy French described the show on BBC Radio London, Sept 23:

‘Troubadour Stageworks has put something together that is really so clever. It was written by the Artistic Director Mingma Hughes and it’s the story of the journey that the first folio took from The Stationers Hall to be printed so its really charting Isaac Jaggard’s journey. He’s just managed to get copyright all sorted out, he’s running to Edward Blount’s publishing house. He drops the First Folio.  He bumps into a lady called Elizabeth and the pages go everywhere. He's concerned ‘they are going to run out of time, they won’t be able to print the first folio and so its this journey, the 45 minutes is the journey of putting the first folio back together with all these wonderful excerpts from 36 different plays. It’s a whirlwind. It’s amazing. It’s a thing to behold.’

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